
~ 富士と松 ~



元々タイポグラファーとして活躍していたKOKIN氏は、師として仰ぐ巨匠、故今井俊満氏に見出され、画家としての道へ進むこととなりました。その後国内だけではなく、ソウルやパリなど海外の数々のギャラリーにも出展、2004年には東京に初出店したフレンチレストラン「ラ ターブルドゥ ジュエル・ロブション」の巨大な壁画制作を手掛けました。その他、帝国ホテル、ハイアットリージェンシーやザ・リッツカールトン東京他数多くのホテルやレストランなどにも作品が飾られています。



KOKIN, born in 1963 in Shimane Prefecture, is an artist whose bold compositions using materials such as lacquer, acrylic, silver powder, and aluminum powder have earned him the label of a “modern Rimpa” artist. The Rimpa style, which brought a fresh perspective to the tradition of folding screen paintings during the Edo period, is renowned for its distinctive techniques, including bold compositions, the use of gold and silver leaf, and dripping paint effects. Although KOKIN is self-taught and has not consciously sought to emulate Rimpa, his profound respect for nature, nurtured since childhood in his hometown of Shimane, naturally aligns with the essence of Rimpa-style expression in his works.

Originally a typographer, KOKIN was discovered by his mentor, the late master Toshimitsu Imai, who guided him toward a career as a painter. Since then, KOKIN has exhibited not only in Japan but also in galleries worldwide, including Seoul and Paris. In 2004, he created a massive mural for “La Table de Joël Robuchon,” a French restaurant that opened in Tokyo. His works can also be found in numerous prestigious venues, such as the Hyatt Regency Shinjuku and The Ritz-Carlton Tokyo, among many others. This KOKIN exhibition, the first display in 2025, will feature auspicious New Year-themed motifs such as Mount Fuji and pine trees, alongside other works that celebrate the beauty of Japan’s natural landscapes.

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